Monday, August 30, 2010

claim that you missed it*

where do i begin.
regrets and recklessness. the kind i dont understand. the kind that needed to happen. the kind that made me realise your love is greater than i couldve imagined.
friendships i feel undeserving of.
friendships i finally see are over, bc that's how you need it to be. (thanks for letting me know youll always pick your girlfriend)
and delicious vanillachai, like only you can make it.
(all i want to wear this summer)
spent today: in my iheartny pjs. wondering if theyll let me go with B in december. aaand. blowing bubbles in the garden. i realised that i never watch them float away. i just like the feeling when i blow and they suddenly appear. funfact: 'on air with ryan seacrest' is the greatest radio show.
current song obsessions: teenagedream. xxxo. all i want for christmas. with me. hey man (now youre really living). rightnow im: stalking colleges. -here and there. [today's favourites: macalester and berea.] possibly freaking out over nothing. about to watch serendipity. then nottinghill for the first time. with bowls of blackcurrent jelly. and rooibos tea. lots of rooibos tea...

enchantedhappy xoxo

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