Friday, August 20, 2010

it's like you hit me with lightning..*

"You are a puzzle...complex are every one of your parts and pathways, every thread sewn into place is knotted so intricately that if I was to try and solve you, it might take me a lifetime. For you are evolving....ever expanding and decreasing, your ways forever wavering yet always holding true to WHO YOU ARE.
So who are you? What is it about you that completes the picture of who you are?
And why are so many of us never happy with the artwork that is ourselves?
Something for us to ponder....especially me.
IDENTITY is a crazy concept..."

(i want their boots. and their dresses. please and thankyou) yay the kling spring2010 lookbook! la la la. today. the sun was bright. the discoball reflected all over the car. the birds were singing. it put us all in a delightful mood. that, and the chocolate springrolls :) aaaand. too many sales. too many sales. i think i found what i shall wear on my birthday* (and a top to wear with my jessicasmith-forever21 princess skirt YAY birthday birthday) and wow. you wrote me the greatest poem EVER.
current playlist includes: make you feel my love by adele. starry eyed by elliegoulding. your anything by (ta dahhh) taylor swift. three weeks, one day til madagascar. happy weekend*
enchantedhappy xoxo

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