Wednesday, April 21, 2010

searching for alfonzo..*

today i walked into danna's office and she screamed 'tiny floral day' in her cute american accent. and then we burst our laughing. apparently my dress reminds her off a ralph lauren trend. we decided it would be perfect with the ultimate leather jacket. which im still hunting for. she found hers, but since it was lined with cashmere and keira knightley owned one, it's a lil bit expensive. we also decided that she will date mysterious wealthy forty-ish guy. bc he is lovely.
during this last week things have got to freaky-extreme-crime-drama movie level. the kind i hoped never happened in real life. in my road. literally all the houses around ours. and having moved into the apartment away from the house alone, and being very familiar with criminal movies.. im kinda freaking out. okay, im REALLY freaking out. but it's raining now so that's exciting :) also exciting is the wonderful-but-heartbreaking conversations i got to have with two of the greatest friends i've ever had. who i miss terribly.
off to go watch
the Bayern Munich game. with stefan and my daddy. somewhere where the vibe will be great. i'll drink white hotchocolate. and wish i was in san francisco.
enchantedhappy xoxo

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